Wednesday, 27 March 2013


This trip to Bangkok made me realize just how much technology affects our lives! Our hotel, Twin Towers, had no FREE Wi-Fi and that was a huge shocker to us all. I literally didn't know what I should do with my time when we weren't out exploring the city! Good thing I brought some books with me, at least I was able to read to pass time... The transition from a small island to a huge city was HUGE! The trip from the airport to the hotel alone was 1 hour, while in Koh Samui, it was only a 15 minute ride. To be honest I preferred Koh Samui over Bangkok. I actually missed Koh Samui while I was in Bangkok! Bangkok was great and all but it was just SO big and so different (even their sky trains were different from ours, they have TVs in them!).

The floating market in Bangkok was quite interesting though. Our boat driver was, in my opinion, having a little too much fun speeding through the water. Luckily there were tons of malls in Bangkok or I wouldn't have been able to bring back any souvenirs for my family and friends!

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